Teaching Kindergarten is a delight and I'm very grateful for a wonderful job! The benefits are many and include:
1. Making a difference in a child's life.
2. Taking them from letter recognition to reading big words and stories.
3. Finding each one's learning style and teaching them with ways in which they can relate.
4. Helping them find their strengths...and not be undone by their weaknesses.
5. Enjoying children's laughter on the playground as they let off steam and expend energy.
6. Remembering that they have a spiritual aspect for which I've been given a big responsibility and opportunity.
The school year is rewarding especially toward the end when, as a teacher, I see with my eyes and heart the benefits of time invested in these precious little ones. What an awesome assignment...Make a Difference!
Here's where I got in over my head. Teaching jewelry-making classes at a local JoAnn store through Fall, Winter, and Spring kept me very busy in the evenings. Then, designing, making jewelry, and filling orders took the rest of any spare waking moments.
Valuable lessons God taught me this year:
1. Managing time doesn't always mean making a paycheck or bringing in finances.
2. I shouldn't take an opportunity just because it's offered.
3. Priorities! Busyness squeezes out important things like lengthy God time and family commitments.
4. The BEST time can be so valuable you cannot put a price tag on it!
SOOOOO....what do all of these things have to do with a Kumihimo Necklace set? Not a whole lot, except that, in speaking about spending time...it takes a long time to drop each tiny bead into the woven pattern. The end result becomes a work of art (in my humble opinion) which brings great satisfaction. Seeing the finished product is rewarding and worth the investment of time becoming good at it.
Next school year will be better for the lessons learned. Phewwwwww...
Loving God & the life He's given,
Juni G